Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Avenue A Cafe - Turners Falls

My favorite place for a cup of coffee! I'm a big fan of good coffee - sharing that with many in this valley! - and I love to visit my favorite coffee shop in Turners Falls--Avenue A Cafe. I love to sit at one of the round tables in the window, a steaming cup of Fogbuster coffee with a little bit of soy, warming my hands while I relax, and observe the regulars and the newbies coming in for a hot bagel sandwich, (the popular "BREAKIE" comes to mind) and a cuppa cuppa.
You can tell it's bordering on leaf-peeping season, because the Love Chocolate (special in-cafe blended creamy hot cocoa with a dash of whipped-topping-chocolate-drizzle and a lotta love) is back in season.
Has it been that long? Has summer already passed? I didn't think so, but looking outside the window to the brick-lined sidewalk of Avenue A, the leaves are swirling their colors down upon the robust mums. I am as captivated by the autumn breeze as those leaves are. Did I tell you I drove to work today with my car windows OPEN? It was beautiful! That hot cup of coffee was tucked between my knees for a very frequent sip while I meandered down 63 South to Amherst. Fall is here. Schools are open. I've got my cup of Avenue A coffee and a hot-baked coffee cake muffin, so everything is right in my world.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Nalini Singh "Hostage to Pleasure" contest

Enter the Nalini Singh "Hostage to Pleasure" contest here

Which fictional hero (from books, tv, movies...) would you most like to hold hostage?
Hmmm....who would I like to hold hostage? Styx, from Darkness Everlasting, by Alexandra Ivy. The interesting thing about Styx, is even though he might ostensibly be the hostage, there could never be denial that he ultimately is the one who holds the power. He might let you *think* you're holding him hostage.....

* Which fictional hero would you most like to be held hostage by?
Anakin Skywalker, Revenge of the Sith. The element of darkness is impossible to resist.

* Which fictional world would you most like to be held hostage in?
I think I'd want to be held hostage in the Black Dagger Brotherhood's compound. All those huge warriors around!